Sunday, 21 September 2014

To New Light, Crystals, and of Course Food

Meditating Ocean Style
You may have noticed I have been doormat for some time now, well for almost 10 months anyway. Truth be told back in January I was unsure as to whether or not I would blog again, but here I am writing another blog post.

Like I do every year, I spent some time in January and December contemplating on what I wanted out of the next year. I thought about things I'd like to achieve, things I wanted to do, and of course things that I needed to let go of. I meditated with my guides and angels and asked them to help guide me to remove things that were no longer serving me and to help me bring the things into my life that would help me on my next step on my journey.

In the weeks before that I had noticed that my writing was slowing down, and I was blogging less. I had no idea why but I just rode it out. Then in January while working on releasing in one of my meditations I heard a clear voice tell me to release my blog from my life, for the moment. I really did not understand this at all, I liked writing, loved my blog, so why. But instead of dwelling on it and questioning it I let it go, I released it.

Then February came and with it a new moon came. I remember this clearly because I was with my roommate talking about the up coming new moon when I saw a jewellery creation store and we decided to go in. Immediately I was in love, so much creativity around me, and there was crystals and stones, and just so much good energy. Of course at this moment my angels whispered to me a little creative idea to create for a dear friend...and thats how it all started.

Celestine Necklace

I started making a few pieces for myself, a few for friends, and then before I knew it I was creating pieces daily and feeling more alive than ever. I had always loved crystals and stones and had played a few times making myself a necklace or two; but never had I ever imagined that I would create something so wonderful out of my love for crystals. In just 10 short months I went from just loving and playing with crystals to creating beautiful pieces of art with them and working on a Certified Crystal Healing Course.

It was not until recently, while I was meditating, that it dawned on me what this all had to do with my writing and angels and guides were simply guiding me to make  room for this new crystal adventure by slowing down on the writing. They wanted me to focus my creative energy on something new, something bigger, something that would open me up even more to my life's purpose and journey.

Sunset on Sept 9 Supermoon 

During the last Super Full Moon of the year, September 9, while sitting on a beach watching the sunset with my love I heard a familiar voice speak to me. This voice was that of my guides and they were telling me it was now time to weave all that I have been working on with all that I had been working on  before I stopped writing. Immediately my soul, my heart, and my body handed to me so many images and ideas for more creation. I started just blurting them out to my love while he listened patiently waiting for me to stop, which did not happen for a very long time that night.
Indian Agate Mala 

So here is to new adventures, listening to your angels & guides, yoga, holistic eating, crystal creations, and of course   tons of writing <333