Sunday, 10 February 2013

In Love With the Greatest Force in the World

Sunset a top the mountain.
This past weekend my wonderful boyfriend and I took a small road trip to Banff National Park to get out of the city for a little bit and just be on our own. This trip not only gave both of us the much needed lover time together, but also gave me some more insight to who I have become over the last year. Strange how sometimes it takes something just as simple as traveling three and a half hours to show you things that you normally do not realize.

It all started as I was sitting in the car about 30 minutes to our finally destination, my lovely boyfriend looked over at me just staring out the window and asked what I was thinking about, I just respond with,  the lines on the mountains and how beautiful they are. I just continued to sit there staring thinking about how beautiful these gigantic formations where and how amazing it would be to see them up close like this everyday. I was so at peace with myself, my life, everything in that moment, nothing could disturb this amazing feeling I was experiencing. 

Through out the entire trip I just had this over whelming feeling of calm, peace, love, and like I was home like I had never experienced before. Then we took a gondola ride up the side of a mountain to the top, as there was too much snow to hike up, and watched as the sunset over the tops of the mountain range. Sparks went off in my entire body, not only was witnessing one of the most amazing sights ever but I was in a place that I loved with the person that I loved. As I watched the sun beginning to set over the mountain tops I realized how my new found love and respect for myself and others around me had turned into this amazing love and respect for the greatest force out there, mother nature, and all its beauty. It was then that I looked over and saw a girl eating a granola bar and as she finished I watched her toss her wrapper over the railing onto the ground when there was a garbage close by. I turned to look away the opposite way and I saw a man finishing his smoke toss his smoke butt into the snow when there was an ashtray beside him. The calm, the sparks suddenly changed into this sickening feeling, I literally felt like throwing up everywhere. Looking at something so beautiful and being in such a beautiful place how could people treat the environment like this, I was out raged. I have always tried my hardest to minimize my impact on the environment and the world we live in.

The rest of the trip was filled with amazing experiences of eating amazing food, walking through the town sight, having time alone, napping, and just enjoying the experience of being in this amazing place. I mostly felt this great inner peace and love for this beautiful place but then there would be times I would see someone littering, or being cruel to the environment and those feelings of inner peace and love would be replaced by disgust. 

Sunday morning I woke up sad as I knew we were going to be leaving at some point in the day. I reflected upon the trip as it was amazing, me and my lover got to spend some much needed time with no responsibilities with each other, and I got to have some much needed nature and mountain time (huge part of my self love and care). The trip was amazing and showed me something that I often forget about being in the city all the time, my passion and love for the environment. I have always loved and done my best to leave the least amount of damage to the environment but it was nice to be reminded of the passion that is behind it. Over all was an amazing much needed trip on many levels; personal, relationship, and spiritual aspects of my life all got some love.

The town site from way up.

Me and my lover at the top of the mountain.

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