Sunset walk through a beautiful lagoon. |
Every once and a while I have one of those days, you all know exactly what I am talking about, the revenge of the chocolate, want to cry, look at yourself in the mirror and ask why days. Everyone has these and sometimes they can be really hard to get over. I will completely and totally admit to these days, actually in the past 3 weeks I have had a couple as my life is completely all over the place with moving right now. The important thing is to not take these days so seriously and to try and be as kind to yourself on these days as possible. We all need to love ourselves a little more but especially so on these days as we can often become our own worst enemies on these days. Here are some tips to get through them a little easier :)
Relax~ take a nap if you need to, draw a bath or just do something (besides watch tv) that makes all your senses relax. When we get down on ourselves there is usually an underlaying stressor there; might be work, relationships, money, anything. When we are stressed we can be even harder on ourselves and so just take some time no matter how busy you feel to just relax. I literally speant a whole night sleeping after work last week because I was stressed, down on myself, and just needed some recoup time. Note I said no tv as often when we are in this mood tv makes it worse because we start comparing ourselves to those on tv, same goes for internet sites. Screens off please!!!
Snuggling with my favourite furbuddy |
Beautiful List~ most of the time when we are down about ourselves because of our body, looks, profession, whatever it is we go into attack mode and destroy everything about ourselves and often say things that are not true. Stand in front of a mirror and list off minimun 5, but try for 10, things that your find beautiful about yourself. Try to include both physical and non-physical things in this list so that there is a balance.
Get moving!~ this is a huge one. Feelings are just energy and energy can be moved easily with movement!! So when you have negative feelings/energy stored up move it out with movement. Go for a walk, bike ride, dance, do yoga, or workout, just move!! We often forget this one and just sit around on the couch having a pitty party. If you for some reason are unable to do physical exersise find some movement you can do. I have been stuck not running the last week and a half, which for me seems like forever, so I can up with a simple yoga routine to do that did not hurt my achilles and I have also been working on my upper body/core...which I must say I never do! Just find something like waving your arms around like you just don't care, ti-chi, or even light swimming that is less impact for you.
Beautify~ this is one of my favorite things to do! When you are done do somethign to make yourself feel beautiful; get your hair done, nails done, a massage, do your make all glamerous, by a new outfit, anything!!! And if you are low on cash look up at home spa treatments to do, I use a ton of them!
Hair done, make up, everything did! <3 |
Indulge~ I am not talking about chocolate here, although raw chcoloate is okay. Spend a few extra dollars, that lets face you were probably going to spend on junkfood & ice cream, and get something special for you. Go buy yourself a cute little note pad, a new stone, a picture frame for your fav pic, a sample of a new sent, or something that makes you feel special. My favorite thing to get myself is a flower, or flowers depending on cash flow, the combination of nature and the pretty smell always makes me feel oh so special!
Best friends~ these really help, I know I always lean on mine when I need a little pick me up and unable to provide it for myself. Also keep in mind your best friend would never say all the mean things that you say to yourself, and why because they are wrong so try and think about that next time your being hard on yourself.
I could go on and on about other things to do when your having your fat day, ugly day, down day, want to throat punch people day, or whatever you want to call it but I think that these are the most important. Remember that we all have these days but how bad it gets is up to you, your in the drivers seat, so instead of having a bawling pitty party try using one or all of these and cheer up, or at least be a little brighter. We attract what we put out! Also do not "joke" around about yourself negatively...so not cool (yes we have all done this at one point or another) because even though it might actually be a joke, your self-esteem does not take it like that and your ego will grab it and run with it.We are all beautiful, intelligent, sexy, amazing, brillant beings no matter what. Take what I know you have inside of you and celebrate it instead of destroy it!
My favourite organic dark quinoa chocolate and flowers :D |