Saturday, 22 June 2013

Rose Coloured Glasses

A simple path with great beauty.
Never have I felt more in love with everything around me than in the past few weeks. Sure there are things that I would change slightly but over all I am more in love than ever before. The first week that I was in Vancouver I thought that it was just the place its self that was making me feel so bubbly but then I realized this was not it. After thinking and meditating on this puzzling subject for the last two weeks the answer has become very clear to me as to why I am falling in love with everything, everyday. The answer its self is simple, beauty is a choice and when you see beauty you feel love.

Since I have been in Vancouver everything I lay my eyes on looks beautiful and I am instantly in love with it. Talking to friends and family back home they all say the same thing, "of course you are in love with everything, it is hard not to be when everything is so beautiful around you!", and this is true...but it is not the core of the truth. See I found the prairies very beautiful, and I was quite in love most of the time back home as well. Here I am in love with everything from the side walk, the beautiful redwoods, the rain forest, the ocean, the mountains, the homeless man on the corner, the transit, all of it. The difference is not in the place its self, home had tons of beauty in it as well, the difference lies in the fact that I am choosing to see love and beauty everywhere and in everything. I am choosing to recognize that everything in this world no matter what it is, who it is, or where it is, has beauty in it; this in turn makes me fall in love everyday.

Looking out into the dry coulees with love.
The act of choosing to see beauty and love in all things is as easy as you make it. I am still human and I recognize when situations and places are not ideal for me but I choose to find the love and beauty in the situation that makes it a temporary place/thing in my life, this makes it easy. Beauty is what you make of it, you get to choose what is beautiful in your life, so why would you choose to see everything as ugly, dull, or drab? When we choose to see the beauty in everything around us not only do we tend to look at ourselves as more beautiful but we feel happier and more light. Think of it this way, when you look at a picture of an amazing sunset with a so called ugly building in it, you find beauty in the sunset you have a warm, beautiful, loving feeling about the sunset and then the picture its self. You just need to apply that way of looking at things to the rest of your life and the feeling becomes more common and more constant. We take focus from the negative and flip the focus to the positive. When we see the beauty in all the things and situations around us it makes us fall in love, after all how can
you not love something that is beautiful?

A tin roof and dirt become a sprouting garden and morning tea look out.

I challenge you to take a few minutes each day to see beauty in things, places, people, and situations you have never thought of before and see with just those few moments how it affects your over all life; your mood, thoughts, and self awareness. Slowly over two to three weeks spend more and more time each day doing this, looking at everything around you as beautiful, and watch how in that time you fall more in love each and everyday with more and more of your life. We can all wear the rose coloured glasses if we want to.

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