You may or may not have noticed my absence the last month or so. Less FB posts, no blogging, and friends and family have received far and few calls/emails/texts. I will admit it was partly because I was busy, but mostly because I was feeling blocked and retreating deep within myself. It is not very often that I become so blocked for long periods of time, or rather it has been very uncommon for a while, none the less it happened.
Some times we can control becoming blocked by the people we surround ourselves with, the type of job and living conditions we are in, the food we eat, the activities we choose, and any other conscious choice we make day to day. Other times blockage in our life comes and we do not even notice it at first, this is the type that is harder to control. Often we when do not realize we are becoming blocked it is because we are not being true to ourselves and others around us and this was what was exactly what was happening with me. I will not bore you with the details but I will tell you it had to do with; my feelings around not having a job, making friends in Vancouver, my living situation and my eating habits. Not being true to myself and others around me about these four major things lead me to start just moving through my daily life on auto pilot and blocking myself off to others and myself, that is until recently!
So, you may be wondering if you don't know your subconsciously blocking yourself, and your acquiring blocks in life, how do you know whats going on? How do you know your becoming blocked? Well let me tell you; you hit a WALL!! One day or maybe many days or weeks, you wake up and go through your day wondering why this and why that, telling little white lies (or big ones) to yourself and others (yes white lies are still lies and no good), then you go through the many to do lists in your head, and to top it off all you feel is nothing; no happiness, sadness, joy, nothing about it may have periods of time were moments bring you happiness, sadness or joy but in your over all day it is blank. Oh and did I mention your tired all the time and very grouchy and short with people including yourself!
So what do you do about all of this? How do you unblock yourself? How do you move past all of this and get some sense and feeling back? Let me tell you!!!
First thing is first- be HONEST with yourself!!! It's okay if you are not ready to be honest with others right now but it is really important to start being honest with yourself. A little "white lie" is still a lie and no matter what you think they are still hurtful and unhealthily. If you hate your job acknowledge it, if your down in the dumps one day say it, if you wish you had purple hair because blonde is so not you ACKNOWLEDGE IT!!! Honestly is the best remedy, it not only shows that you love yourself enough to get real with you but it also gives you a clear view of what can/is/could be bothering you in your life. Honesty with your self is the first step then you can move on to other people when your read. It was only a few days ago I started talking openly with people in my life about what was going on with me!
Next step is to become comfortable. This step is still something I need to remind myself of from time to time, and you may need to as well. Getting comfortable does not mean getting into a comfy situation in your life, what it does mean is that anything that comes your way that brings up negative feelings, or even positive ones, you get comfy and sit with it. This is actually a huge piece of acknowledgement as well because you need to acknowledge the situation and then be able to just be okay with it. What helps me get comfy with things in my life, feelings and situations alike, is knowing that nothing is permeant, if you do not like something right now in your life it has the ability to change in a second and if we just get comfy and acknowledge the situation nature takes its course and the change opens up many doors for us.
My topsy turvy cuddle buddy!!! |
Last but definitely not least...get moving outside!!!! No matter what time of year it is being outside invokes all of your senses if you give it the time of day to do so. When we pay attention to our senses we have the ability to clear up blocks and do healing where needed. Do this undistracted with no music blaring in your ears, when we listen to music as healing as it can be, we shut off or weaken our other senses, and when your moving outside the point is to heighten and invoke as many senses as possible. Moving outside is the best way to do this but if your body needs rest because of being over worked simply grabbing a book or cup of tea and sitting outside does the trick just as well if thats what is needed, or simply try going for a short slow walk somewhere in nature. If you are unable to go outside for whatever reasons, studies have shown, and I have also used this method, that looking at a picture of nature and visualizing yourself out in it works as well! I keep pictures of trails I love and different parts of nature in my phone and if I am on a long shift I sit down for a few minutes to look at the pictures before closing my eyes and visualizing myself out in it running, walking, meditating, or sitting with a giant cup of tea!!!
Waking up and becoming unblocked can be a long process or a short one, it varies from person to person and depends on the situation. Becoming unblocked after a long period of time however is the most amazing, uplifting, sensory over loading feeling ever! I encourage you all to take a good look at your life and yourself and unblock any areas that need to be, it could change your whole life!
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