Alright so here it is FINALLY!!! I have been asked by many many people to write about the full moon and some of the practices that I talk about often on my Facebook page. So after all that asking and begging from people, I will finally be letting people in to see what the full moon can mean, bring, and change in your life if you allow it.
Before the introduction of heavily organized religion and modern technology full moon celebrations were something that everyone took part in every full moon to help center themselves, let go of the old, and welcome the new. The full moon has magnificent power over our bodies and minds for two main reasons; 1) the majority of our bodies are made up of water and the full moon effects gravitation pull on water, and 2) at the time of the full moon the moon is not only giving off its own energetic rays but also the suns as well so double the energy is coming in through its rays, when we combine both of these we get a super force of greatness that can be useful to us if we allow it. If we allow the full moon to work its' power over our body, mind and soul we open ourselves up to spiritual clarity and inspiration. It is even said that during the full moon there is a gateway for any ascended master, deity, god, or goddess to enter our realm and help us to connect more deeply.
Many religions and spiritual practices are centered around the moon and its cycles, science has even started to research and support how the moon can affect the human body, mind, and spirit. In most traditions the moon represents a great feminine power, intuition, emotions, and creativity. The full moon helps and signifies closure, rebirth, and manifestation. There are many people that will tell you that they feel the difference with in their body around the time of the full moon and those in the helping professions will even tell you that they can see a difference in their cliental around this time as well. Many people cannot sleep properly, feel a lack of energy, or their intuition spikes, this is our bodies way of telling us to pay attention to what is going on around us and take part in the celebration that is happening.
By developing a full moon practice or celebration, or simply taking part in one you allow yourself to open up and receive so many benefits that can come to us from the full moon. I will share a few of my practices some that may be a little shocking and others that will not surprise you at all. You can pick and choose any or all of these to create your own practice, because after all not every practice is beneficial for everyone.
1. Write down any thoughts, feelings, or messages, also known as journaling. Now I used to be a big journaler but I longer am, except when it comes time for the full moon. People often find around the time of the full moon their heads are usually either; racing with chaotic thoughts/emotions or foggy with hard to make out any thought/emotion. I, personally, am one where my head is flooded with information, thoughts, and emotions and writing these down really helps to make everything more clear. When we put pen (or pencil) to paper and write any messages we are getting from our higher self, or guides, it all becomes very clear and because this is a time where we will get flooded with messages journaling can be very beneficial to help us hear and see the messages more clearly if needed.
2. Do a cleansing/clearing of your house, mind, body, anything really! This is a great time to do any kind of cleanse as it can help to release any stagnate energy that has been built up anywhere. I sage my house around the full moon, drink plenty of water, eat very clean, and also do a saltwater bath to help cleanse my home, mind and body. If you want to know how to do a salt bath see my post on balancing.
3. Charge anything that has high energetic properties in the moonlight. During the full moon I place all of my crystals and ritual items outside to absorb the rays that come off the moon, remember they are twice as powerful at the time of the full moon. The moon at the time of the full moon is giving off crazy feel good energizing power that can be absorbed and thus placing objects or even yourself in the rays of the moon makes this absorption possible. There are a few people I know that also place any food they frequently consume, and healing houseplants outside to absorb these rays. By absorbing these rays from the full moon not only does it energize the item, or yourself, but it also clears it and releases any of negative stagnate energy that may have attached.
Some of my favourite crystals to work with |
4. Now I bet you were wondering where this one was but here it is, meditate! The full moon is great time to deepen and increase mediation and meditation gives us another way to connect in with your intuition and hear your messages more clearly. Meditation during the full moon is most beneficial when done outside but you can still get the same wonderful effects mediating inside, so do not worry about that. Meditation also gives us time to absorb all the wonderful energy that is pouring out from the moon. I have my own full moon mediation that I have developed over time to suit my needs but if you would like one that is already created there are tons out there, Doreen Virture has an amazing one that I used to use. Also, if you can find one or get friends together meditation groups around this time are amazing as well, there is already so much energy on a regular day that you can absorb in a mediation group and paring it with the full moons energy is just magnificent.
5. Do something creative! The full moon release a lot of energy and a lot of people report feeling more creative and creating their most creative work around the time of the full moon. So dance, write, play/create music, draw, paint, do anything that engages your creativity! You will thank yourself later!
6. What can make you feel like you are setting up physical balance in your body? Well of course it is YOGA!!! Yoga is a great thing to do the night of the full moon and the night after. Yoga on a regular basis helps us to open up and absorb energy while releasing stagnate energy, but on the night of a full moon it can also help us to open our heart so that we can receive any manifestations, or thoughts that we have put forth for ourselves into the universe. I recommend going to a yin or restorative yoga class around the full moon as these classes work deeper into your muscle tissue than others and release more stagnate energy than regular yoga poses, they are also full of hip and heart openers which is important because you need to open your heart to receiving the energy of the full moon and opening the hips also helps to ground your root chakra which is also highly important. If you cannot make it to a class do some poses at home, I suggest pigeon pose, down dog, bow pose, dancer pose, bow, warrior 1 & 2, sun warrior and some sun salutations.
7. The full moon is great time for releaseal as I have said. During the day of the full moon I gather my thoughts and think about that which is not serving me anymore, has negative thoughts/emotions attached to it, blocks or anything really that I want to release. I write these items on a piece of paper and then I meditate for about 5-10 minutes and focus on releasing any emotions/energy that are tied to these items I have listed. When I have finished meditating I burn the piece of paper in a small flame such as a candle and say out loud all the things that I release. There are others ways to do releasing and unblocking this is just the method that I use. Another popular one is cord cutting, which is also great to do around the full moon or just anytime really, if you would like to learn more about cord cutting Gabrielle Bernstein has some great mediations as does Doreen Virtue.
8. Last but definitely not least I use the full moon to enhance manifestation in my life. The full moon is great for manifesting anything that you would like to add to your life, dreams that you would like to work on coming true and so on and so forth; because you are releasing so much during this time you can make room for new things and experiences to come into your life. Manifesting is something that is widely talked about and practiced there are just different names for it. To manifest you simple just need to think about the item/thing/place that you want in your life and then picture it in your head, by doing this you are creating the visualization piece. Picture yourself doing or being where ever it is that you want to manifest, let yourself experience the emotions that come along with it, the experiences that you would experience, see yourself doing all of it. I do the visualization piece while I meditate in my salt-water bath as I am completely at one with myself and my greatest good at that time from releasing toxins and relaxing my body. After the visualization piece, or you can do it before just make sure you do it at some point, create something that is concrete that involves what ever it is you are trying to manifest, vision boards are great, you can draw a picture or simply write it down. Keep the concrete version of what it is you are trying to manifest in a sacred place, I keep mine with all my goddess cards, crystals, and meditation items on my alter. When you need a reminder of what it is that you are trying to manifest take a look at this item and go back to what you visualized along with the feelings.
I hope you will all celebrate the full moon and create your own practices/rituals after reading this. The full moon can be very beneficial to everyone as long as we allow it to be. Open yourself up to the wondrous, magnificent, magical energy and power of the full moon and experience all that it has to give to you. If you have any more questions or would like anymore direction on this feel free to contact me via a private message on Facebook, email, or in person. The light in me is equal to the light in you <3 namaste!
Full moon and rainbow celestial body |