Hey everyone, I really apologize for not posting the last few weeks but they have been crazy!! Between my boyfriend moving to Vancouver, working full time plus a few extra hours, being there for a few friends that needed me, and then just average everyday things, life has been crazy and the only down time I got was far and few in-between. But after all the craziness I took the weekend to myself to re-centre, regroup, and just spend a little time with me! All of this me time this weekend really got me to look at what had been going on in my life lately and where all my time was really going, and this is what this weeks blog is about!
In the past year I have spent so much time focusing on myself, or so I thought, I forgot how exhausting it can be when you focus most of your time and energy on giving to others. Now focusing on others is what I kind of do as a job, after all I am a Life Coach and I am expected to help people out for 8 hours a day 5 days a week, but most of the time when I am not at work I am focusing on doing things I like and love, and spend a small portion of time outside of work trying to give to others. I know when I say it like that it sounds selfish and maybe it is but in a good way! You see when you give give give to others (and yourself) and do not take time to receive from others (and yourself) then you become out of balance. And what might you ask exactly makes us feel and become out of balance? Well I will tell ya!! There is this little energy centre in the middle of your chest cavity called your heart chakra that becomes out of balance. See your heart chakra is responsible for universal love and can only work properly when both giving and receiving in your life are in balance. We must be both open to giving and receiving in order for this chakra to work its wonders, open us up to universal love, and not cause us to become unbalanced or cause health issues.
Balancing the heart chakra is something that does not come easy to everyone, especially those who are in the helping profession, parents or who are extra sensitive to others feelings. When my heart chakra is out of balance or just needs some extra love and care I notice a lot of things in my life change; I begin to feel like I have no time alone/to myself, I am exhausted all the time, I begin to let negative feelings such as disappointment and desperation in, I begin letting negative self talk into my space and I get upper back tension. These signs that I experience are just some of many that you may notice but you can easily balance yourself to relieve yourself of any of these. I am going to give you a few exercises that help to balance and open your heart chakra:
1) Tapping!!! For those of you that know me I am a huge fan of EFT (emotional freedom technique) or tapping. To use this exercise to help open and balance your heart chakra take your index finger and your middle finger and begin to tap on your sternum for roughly two minutes while repeating to yourself "I am open to the love of others and I mirror the same love back". This will not only help to open your heart chakra but balance it so that you will not only receive but give love as well.
2) Eat some green food!!!! The heart chakra is also associated with nature as well as love, and green is a not only the colour of the heart chakra but is also the colour most associated with nature!!! So eat some green natural, organic goodies!!!! My favourite are green smoothies and kale chips. By feeding yourself good for you greens not only are you receiving the love that nature indented for us but you are also giving yourself love and respect thus opening your heart chakra.
3) Mediation, meditation, meditation. Now I know I say this is the answer to everything but it truly is. If you are feeling blocked or like your heart chakra needs a little love and balancing do a heart balancing/opening mediation. Get into your meditation posture (sitting, or laying down comfortably) and close your eyes, start focusing on your breathing, let your breathing get deeper and deeper, then start to focus on your heart centre, see your heart centre as a bright green light that is open and equally balanced, ask your guides (either spiritual or angelic) to help you to open your heart more and balance it. This mediation is wonderful and can be done in 5 minutes or an hour, it really depends on what you need.
4) Last but not least be open to all the giving and receiving happening around you. Be willing to give love to loves, such as opening doors, a shoulder to cry on, a coffee, or anything; BUT also be willing to receive a compliment, a prize, a day off work, any kind of help at all. If we are not willing to give or receive we close ourselves off to the most amazing kind of love there is, universal love and trust me you do not want to close yourself off to this!
Now I know I make it seem like you should be walking around hugging everyone, helping everyone out, and such but this is not what I want unless you can balance it with receiving as well. See a perfectly balance heart chakra not only gives and receives but it also has boundaries, it knows when to say when and knows what it is capable of and not. Boundaries are something each and everyone one of us can work on, even me. Learning to say no to something is not a bad thing, telling someone that you cannot help them move is not going to shut down your heart chakra because at that moment you are giving yourself love and thus still giving. I do not know how many times I have told people that I cannot come out with them or help them because after working with people and giving for 8 hours I just need a break and this is okay. Giving to yourself is just as important as giving to others as long as you are doing it with your boundaries in mind.
I could go on and on about balancing, healing, opening your heart chakra and same with boundaries but I will cut it short here. If you have any questions, or would like to know more feel free to drop me a line of some sort. Just remember to let your green goddess from with in you project her love for giving and receiving equally, so that you can become open to the amazingness of universal love!!! <3
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