1. Meditation- this one really should not come as a surprise to you all as I am a huge advocate for meditation. Meditation gives us a time where not only can we go deep with in our selves but it also gives us insight as to what may be causing us to become unbalanced, as when we meditate we can hear our intuition the clearest. Try meditating for even just 5 minutes and you will feel a difference in how you feel.
2. Eating less processed sugar!!!!- This one for me is crazy hard but a must, as sugar feeds any kind of unbalance or negative energy that you might have within your body. A diet high in processed sugar also is linked to all sorts of cancer as it feeds the negative energy that cancer needs to thrive. This week I have been trying to limit, and in the future, get rid of processed sugar. When I get a sugar craving I have a piece of dark chocolate made from cacao, snack on dates, have some fruit, have carrots (as organic ones are nice and sweet), or have a teaspoon of raw honey.
3. Run more- Now that the weather is getting nicer out again I have been taking my runs outside off the treadmill more! Running has always been super balancing for me but running outside is even more so as I find it highly meditatve. Also running, just like any activity where you are moving your body for more than 20 minutes, helps to move stagnate energy out of your body. You do not have to run just move your body in a way that gets your heart rate up for minimum 20 minutes.
4. Salt water baths- Now this one I will warn you takes a lot out of you, I am highly exhausted after one of these and ready for bed. Salt water baths force your body to expel out any toxins you have in your body, which we all have tons of. To have a salt water bath fill your bath tub with the hottest water you can stand, then add in 1 cup of epsom salts and 1 tsp of baking soda, and any oils you choose (I use lavender or eucalyptus), then sit and relax for minimum 30 minutes. You can listen to music, read, watch a movie, meditate or whatever during this time just make sure that you try to keep your hands and feet in the water as much as possible as thats where the toxins will be coming out of. Then when you are done take a cool shower but do not use anything that has perfumes in it! Also make sure to drink lots of water during, before and after and DO NOT eat within an hour of doing one of these!
5. Nature Love!!!! This one I must say has really been a truly big balancer. By getting out of the unnatural light and into some natural light with nature all around you, your body naturally balances its self as it is meant to be outdoors not cooped up inside for hours. I have been getting outside as much as possible this week and even went on a winter hike to Waterton National Park with my best friend, it was such a blessing!!
6. Sleep...zZZZzzz...- This is something as a species we do not do enough of anymore. The average adult sleeps about 6 hours a night when they need and should be getting about 7-8 hours a night. I know when I am not sleeping properly things in my life get crazy, I become moody, eat junk, low energy, mind fog, and so much more. Also when we are sleeping is when our body gets a chance to process any toxins and expel them, and balance any hormone imbalances as well. If you have trouble sleeping or getting to sleep try drinking more water, more vitamin D in your diet, creating a bed time ritual, or using oils. I also give you permission to nap!!!
7. Yoga- Of course I had to put this in here! :) There is no better feeling than the blissed out, up lifting feeling you have after a yoga class...it is almost the same kind of high that you get after sex. Yoga is very balancing as it makes you mind, body, and soul all work as one unit and the best part is you do not need to go to a class to do it!! You can practice simple, advanced, or any pose right at home. I personally get up every morning and do about 30 minutes worth of poses to start my day out feeling liberated.
There are plenty more practices that I use for creating balance within myself and my life but these are just a few of the simple ones I have been focusing on lately. Our bodies and minds can become unbalanced very easily which can create unbalance and chaos with in our lives. It is important to practice some sort of balancing practice everyday to prevent this from happening. I hope that you will use one if not all of these to help you to create balance and maintain it within your life.
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