So I have some exciting news for everyone!!! After tons of people asking of advice about detoxing and about just simple diet changes I have decided, after some guidance from my guides, to do an group detox through Love, Silence, and Ohm!! This is really exciting for me as I have been getting to use a lot of my knowledge and other skills to create this :D!!!
A little information about this particular program:
~The program will include two recipes a day, one a meal and one a smoothie or juice
~The ingredients used will be highly detoxing and beneficial in many ways to your body and mind
~I will be setting up a Facebook group for those who participate in the program
~The program will be your choice of one week or three weeks
~There will be a mind/body component included each day
~The detox its self will not be a harsh detox like some of the ones that I have told those of you looking for detox's, it will be a simpler way of starting to get rid of toxins in your skin and other organs of your body
~There will be a contest associated with the program, with a prize winner. Note the winner will not be based on how well a person detoxes
~There will be a shopping list and guide lines sent out
~The program will start on July 15, 2013!!!!
~IT IS TOTALLY FREE!!!! Minus the cost of your food and stuff....I am sorry I cannot pay for that for you
~I be will participating with you!!
This is an amazing opportunity to help your mind, body, and spirit detox and be part of a community that is doing it along with you. I have decided to do this based on guidance, questions from others and the fact that starting in August I will be offering a program that will incorporate similar things in it from this one. You will all have to wait to find out the information about the program that will start in August but the one thing I will tell you all is starting August it will not be free, so this is your chance to get a taste of how great your body can feel and a sample of what is to come in the future!! If you are interested in signing up or have any questions please email me at NO LATER THAN July 9th!!!! I am looking forward to hearing from you and cannot wait to start this great adventure with you all!!! Xoxo
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