Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Good, The Bad, and The Amazing Detox

So many big things are happening right now and I am getting super excited about the up in coming program that is under way. With my last post I have been getting tons of emails and questions asking why detox, what are the benefits, and what will I experience. So I have decided that maybe I should let you all know whats so awesomely amazing about detoxing!!!

Everyday we are taking in so many toxins and chemicals it is not even funny. Some toxins we cannot help but take into our body, these are the ones that are found in our air and water. Other toxins we fully bring on ourselves with what we put in and on our body, food and body products being the biggest culprits. But have no fear!!! Getting rid of the toxins, or at least most of them, can be just as easy if you are willing to put in the time and detox. It is recommended that you do a 3 week detox even season change or a week detox every month to help your body to heal and detoxify itself on a regular basis.

Detoxing not only gets rid of toxins but it also makes your skin look amazing, balances your hormones, give you better hair, can make you sleep better though out the night, increased energy (after detox is complete), shed a few pounds, de-bloat and bring your metabolism back to where it is supposed to be when done right. These are all areas that are highly affected when we have too many toxins in our bodies, and trust me we all, even the healthiest person alive, have too many toxins that lay with in us laughing away. These toxins lay deep with in our organs and cells and build up very easily, the majority of toxins are found in the intestines and your skin.

Yummy Detox Fibre Fill
Now I suppose you are wondering why get rid of the toxins, can't we just live with them since they are all around us. And I guess my answer to that is ya sure you can but you will experience a lot of symptoms that I am guess ing you would rather live without such as; chronic illnesses, auto immune diseases, weight gain, increased risk of heart disease, chronic headaches and migraines, premature aging of skin, imbalanced hormones, chronic fatigue, and much much more. So would you rather detox every now and then or experience these symptoms.

Now detoxing is different for everyone and what you experience also depends on which detox you take part in, as there are many types to choose from. Holistic healing detox's are my favourite as they not only heal the body & mind as a whole but it also focuses on a high nutrition foods combined with mostly raw meals so that you get the most out of what you are putting in your body. With a holistic healing detox the most symptoms occur on days 3-5 as thats when your body is working it's hardest to detox. The most common symptoms that most people experience are; fatigue, headaches, dehydration like symptoms as your body needs a lot more water during this time, mood swings, mild stomach aches and mild running nose. One can also experience constipation for the first two days or loose bowels as your body is trying to get rid of what it needs to. Most of the time the last two is what scares people and they think something is wrong but nothing is wrong it is just your systems way of getting rid of the toxins, however, if you do experience the symptoms for more than 5 days please stop your detox and consult a doctor.

So now you have some basic facts about detoxing, trust me I could go on and on about this topic for hours, but I will stop where I am. Detoxing is a must for some and a choice for others but either way I suggest that everyone complete a detox at least once in there life, if not way more. If you are
curious about learning more about detoxing please feel free to contact me, and if you are wanting to take part in a detox please read my post, Exciting News, the Future is Here. Xoxo my love's!

A delish detox energizer elixir 

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