Wednesday 20 February 2013

Crap-tacular or Spectacular...Which do you choose

Everyone has crappy days, and I mean everyone, I am not exempt from this rule and neither are you! The secret is not letting it get the point of, pardon my French, shit hitting the fan. Everyone has those moments that they wish they could take back; that freak out on your significant other or friends, the random meltdown at work or while driving, and so much more, but let me tell you that if you go through a little self discovery you can have these moments less and less and the likeliness of the shit hitting the fan majorly, are less.  Now before we go on I am going to be straight up with you...what I am about to say and the things I am giving you does not mean you will never have a crap-tacular day ever again, all I am doing is trying to get you to look deep within yourself and learn more about what is truly going on and getting you to look at the situation differently. I still have some days that are not so great and I will be completely honest up about that.

First thing is first most of the time when we are having a crappy day it is because we are focusing on all the negative things that are happening throughout the day instead of seeing the positive things, and trust me no matter how crappy of a day you are having there are always some positives. Focusing on the negatives does one of two things; one it manifests more crappiness in your day (law of attraction people), and two by only thinking about the negative things it keeps your brain on the crap train instead of switching railways. So first thing to do when you are having a crap-tacular day is start thinking about the positive things that have happened in your day, whether it’s something as simple as someone held the door open for you, your pen didn't run out of ink, or that person that let you merge in traffic. Focusing on the positive things that are happening in your day not only lets you attract more positive things into your life but also expresses gratitude, changes your focus and can make you feel more calm and happy. When I am trying to focus on positive's in my day I personally like to write them down and I suggest that maybe you do this as well as it makes it tangible, it’s a creative out let, writing moves energy from the body, and it really triggers the mind to change the way it is thinking as writing is external.

Get moving now!!!! I am serious; if you are having any bit of a less than perfect day, move your body! Feelings and emotions are just another form of energy and moving your body releases that energy which if built up for too long can cause manifest into major health issues such as depression, weight gain, headaches, etc. So get your body up and move, go for a walk, run, dance to your favorite song, do some sun salutations (from yoga), or jump rope! I am not telling you to go out and have a marathon workout, but to get your body moving and heart rate up. Not only does moving your body releases energy but it also releases serotonin, which we all know is one of the chemicals in our body that leads to happiness!!!! :D

Ohm it out and focus on your breathing. This is a huge one for me; ask anyone around me, they can tell when I am meditating and when I am not. And if meditation is not for you, which it is for everyone trust me, just focus on your deep breathing and remember it could be 5 minutes or 30 its whatever you need!! Meditation has so many benefits to it and one of the things that it does is it trains the mind to focus, thus making you more able to control your thoughts, i.e. pick a positive though over a negative!!! Meditation and deep breathing also reduce high blood pressure, which when things are not going your way blood pressure increases, and they also help to release feel good, relaxing endorphins into your body. When we mediate we more or less are taking time to ourselves which is always needed, as it shows our soul and heart some self love.<3
These are only a few of hundreds of things mediation does for you when you’re in a crappy mood, so many you should hit that mediation pillow!

Last but not least is the most important, or at least in my opinion, thing to remember....feel, forgive and release. When you are having a crappy day you probably have numerous feelings that come up, DO NOT ignore them or burry them this will make things worse in the long run (illness, snap show/freak outs, depression, weight gain, etc). Allow yourself to feel the emotion by breathing into it and seeing where it is coming from within your body, I know this might sound a little odd but trust me. Close your eyes and just take a few deep breaths, then breathe into the emotion that you are feeling, as you breathe into the emotion and let your body experience the it, you will find that your breath just kind of sits or stops somewhere in your body (this is the part of your body the emotion is coming from) after identifying this mentally ask your body to release this emotion from your body, you can also do this out loud it is up to you really. When you breathe into an emotion and then ask it to be released you are allowing yourself not only to experience it but also asking the universe and yourself to help release it as you are now done with this emotion. Then there is forgiveness which I know a lot of people find hard but when you master it, it is truly the most amazing thing ever. Forgive the person that cut you off, forgive your spouse for not doing the dishes; forgive your boss for making you redo your project. By forgiving people, places, things and especially yourself you are cutting that tie that binds you to the emotion, and in your mind, the thing that made the emotion. Right after my deep breathing I usually mentally and aloud say whom I am forgiving before I open my eyes.

There really are tons and tons of other things I could tell you to do when you have had an off day, crap-tacular day, or whatever you want to call it but these are the main ones that help so many people and really truly do make a difference when practiced. Sometimes you may need to do all of them a million times and other days you might only need to to one and only for 2 minutes, regardless of all that they really do help. Now go out work this magic and spread the spectacularness of your day with everyone!!!

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